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Dissecting Cellulitis and Crohn’s Disease

Written by Scarring Alopecia Foundation | Mar 3, 2020

Dissecting Cellulitis (DSC) is an uncommon scarring alopecia. It most commonly affects men 20-40. Several disease associations have been reported including hidradenitiis suppurative, acne conglobata, pilonidal cysts, and arthritis. Other associations have been reported but appear less common.

Syed and colleagues report a 31 year old man with dissecting cellulitis and Crohns disease. The patient responded well to the TNF inhibitor Infiliximab as well as steroids.


Dissecting Cellutlis (DSC) is an uncommon condition with limited research. It’s clear that it has an association with disease entities such as hidradenitis suppurativa. Other entities, including Crohn’s disease may also be seen with increased incidence.



Syed T et al Dissecting Cellulitis of the Scalp: A Rare Dermatological Manifestation of Crohn’s Disease. ACG Case Rep J. 2018; 5: e8